Sunday, April 17, 2011

A trip to the new post!

After seeing, what? 3 silent films, I apearently have to knowledge to critique the entire genre. some might say "They're too old to be good", "Charlie Chaplin's not funny for this century" or even "ronagontavihjholedfinerfsquats"! I agree alot of them have lost their charm but some of them are timeless! how can you NOT love this face?

Nosferatu for example is a great movie! even today, it can be scary to some viewers. I also like how it's an example of peoples beliefs of the time and what people thought of vampires. there were no angsty, glittering teenegers back then! Nosferatu is 100% scrawny, long fingernailed man! Up yours, Edward!

Charlie Chaplin is timeless. even today I find his anticks to be quite engoyable. and look at that stach!

Adolf just had to ruin it didn't he?

Theres a certain kind of humor that Chaplin portrays that you don't see alot of nowadays. some would call it slapstick but I would say sticks arent meant for that.

A trip to the moon was groundbreaking for it's time! I'm sure thousands of people soiled themselves when they seen the face on that silly moon!

It portrayed how silly people were back in the early 1900's! none the less, and entertaining movie! maybe not in the genre it was intended for, but it's freaking hilarious!

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