Monday, June 20, 2011

Mini Blog #3

crazy lazer beam death match to the death! or 15 minutes. whichever comes first.
we quested towards the mystical land of 'Lazer Quest' to duel to the death using concentrated beams of harmless light to temporarily imobilize our opponents with no true harm done. you can see how frustrating it was to fight to the death using this manner of weaponry. but I prevailed! coming 4th. How many of you can say you've shot up others with no consequences or harm done? it would be better with the "harm done" but local laws prevent that. f**k the police! and gravity. I shoots up children with lazers and doesn't afraid of anything!

Mini Blog #2

The man. The legend. The hater of desks.
entering the room, he changes the atmosphere instantly. everyone strugles to hide their desks before his sights turn towards them because they know if his glaze meets a desk, it will surely be flipped. you know when he's captured a victim by hearing his kindov loud battle scream "Son of a bitch!" He vowes never to leave a desk unflipped in his mission to uproot the worlds personal tables and avert the attention of civilians to himself for a few minutes. can this menace be stopped? will his thirst for unrooted desks be quenched!? no one knows. but be wary to keep your valuables off of your desks when this creature comes a roamin'. the dreaded Van Seivert.

Mini review #1

The man in the salmon shirt. well, maybe just the shirt.
Edwards would be hard to describe in 150 words so I'll resort to just talking about an oddly coloured shirt he wore once. But who could ignore a colour of that magnitude!? it's a thing you only see once in a lifetime! or wenever you open a can of salmon. or a gay bar. But Edwards calls no man Mister! he does what he wants and wears what he wants! he doesn't care if people question his sexual orientation because of it. I wish I could be man enough to wear a shirt so metrosexual. but alas, I am not ready where as Edwards has. he's a man to look up to.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A trip to the new post!

After seeing, what? 3 silent films, I apearently have to knowledge to critique the entire genre. some might say "They're too old to be good", "Charlie Chaplin's not funny for this century" or even "ronagontavihjholedfinerfsquats"! I agree alot of them have lost their charm but some of them are timeless! how can you NOT love this face?

Nosferatu for example is a great movie! even today, it can be scary to some viewers. I also like how it's an example of peoples beliefs of the time and what people thought of vampires. there were no angsty, glittering teenegers back then! Nosferatu is 100% scrawny, long fingernailed man! Up yours, Edward!

Charlie Chaplin is timeless. even today I find his anticks to be quite engoyable. and look at that stach!

Adolf just had to ruin it didn't he?

Theres a certain kind of humor that Chaplin portrays that you don't see alot of nowadays. some would call it slapstick but I would say sticks arent meant for that.

A trip to the moon was groundbreaking for it's time! I'm sure thousands of people soiled themselves when they seen the face on that silly moon!

It portrayed how silly people were back in the early 1900's! none the less, and entertaining movie! maybe not in the genre it was intended for, but it's freaking hilarious!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mm ma my second blog

The music video I have chosen is "Mm ma ma" by Crazy Loop.

you can find it here for imbedding video's is complicated and therefore wizardry.

it involves a pizza guy showing up , whether the pizza was ordered or not, back stage durring a fashion show. The fashion designer then takes a bite, is displeased with the taste, and kindly refuses to pay for it. So the pizza guy does what anyone would do in this situation.

Break into a dance number.

Reality is very loosely presented in this video for if you were to do this you would be swiftly and probably painfully removed from the building.

Another this I'd like to mention is that everyone in the audience are very stereotypical rich people. You'd have to be pretty damn rich to coat your thumb in gold.
Or look like this.

This video is basically telling you that having a crappy job along with being ignorant to common decency can lead to dancing alongside visually appealing women while the rich and generally "better off than you" watch.

I, for one, love this video and the lack of sence and overuse of the letter "M" make it even better.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I think that media is pretty important in my life. the media is important to tell you about things. the media is very good at amusing me too.
my favorite forms of media are video games, television, and the internet. Video games are just plain unconditional fun, their full of mindless violence and crazy stuff that noone questions. televisions great! you just press a button then lay back and let the magic box from the stars entertain you! a good investment for the steriotypical lazy american!
the internet is pretty great, everything you could ever want is in the internet, even stuff you don't want... The only problem with the internet(other than random pics that could scar you for life) is that you can't just lay back and relax like television, you have to do stuff.
I hate t-shirts with clothing logo's on them, it's like we pay money to advertise for them. television commercials are annoying but not as bad as adds on the internet, DAMN there really annoying! i never really pay attention to adds or commercials unless their funny, i think their should be more of them, i would watch more of them. I think video games are the most important part of media for me because it's very amusing and for the most part, it takes little to no thinking...unless you start thinking, if you start to question video games then you'll start questioning other things aswell and noone want's that. who cares why coloured bricks are falling or why a plumber has to kill turtles and eat flowers to throw fire and save a princess from a giant fire breathing turtle? it's not suppost to make sense, it's just suppost to be a mind-numbing adventure through crazy realities while sitting in your parent's basement.